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Building a Linux PVR, Part 2: Microsoft's MCE 2004 16/9-2004 

A few weeks ago, we introduced the first of a series of articles on building a home made PVR, "Building a Linux PVR Part I - MythTV Setup and Install". Today, we bring you the second part of the series, which focuses on Microsoft's Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 and how it compares to the Linux-based MythTV.
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Five Flash Drives with USB 2.0 Interface 13/9-2004 

The continuing reduction of prices for flash storage media makes us once again return to the subject of USB flash drives that are ever more popular among PC users. This time we have tested five models (128MB and 256MB capacities) from four manufacturers and are ready to share with you our opinion.
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ExtremeTech Rescinds Rating for ATI's HDTV "Blunder" 30/8-2004 

Our June review of ATI's HDTV Wonder add-in card, designed to allow viewing, pausing and recording over-the-air HDTV signals was cautiously positive. We called the overall product a "solid offering," and despite a top 10 list of improvements needed, our final judgment was that this product was a "good first generation OTA HDTV offering."

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HD Dreams: VOOM HDTV Satellite Service 27/8-2004 

Beware of HDTV. You won't know what you're missing till you get a chance to watch it for a while. And when you do see it, you'll be struck by how much better it looks than Standard Definition TV (SDTV), and it will be all over for you. You'll have been to the mountaintop: From now on watching your old TV will seem like going back to a swamp.

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Beyond TV 3.5 - Adding Multi-Tuner Support, a Quick Beta Look 24/8-2004 

The two companies really going head to head in the HTPC field have been Frey Technologies and SnapStream; though, Meedio should be tossed into the mix soon (MeedioTV was not available at the time of this review). Keeping in mind that the SnapStream only has the TV portion of the HTPC experience down and SageTV 2.0 is a full-blown MCE replacement, they are still very much competitors.
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We Have a Winner! 18/8-2004 

Okay, so that's kind of a cop-out. But really, we thought all of the case mods that were submitted for the contest were pretty cool in one way or another. In the end, though, there can only be one true winner. The ExtremeTech crew pored over the pictures, argued with each other, and in the end, voted for the top case.

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FarCry Performance Revisited: ATI Strikes Back with Shader Model 2.0b 25/7-2004 

The latest 1.2 patch for the currently most-discussed game not only enabled Shader Model 3.0 on NVIDIA’s GeForce 6 hardware, but also brought Shader Model 2.0b for ATI’s latest RADEON visual processing units in order to improve performance and image quality. X-bit labs has run an exhaustive selection of FarCry benchmarks to find out whether long pixel shaders along with geometry instancing helped ATI to bring the performance up.
UPDATE: X-bit labs have added scores in FSAA and anisotropic filtering mode to the article.
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Frey Technologies' SageTV 2.0 - A SnapStream Alternative 25/7-2004 

We have already had Beyond TV 3 pass through the labs, and now we are onto the on "other white meat" of Microsoft's MCE OS: SageTV 2.0. Read on to find out what makes this software solution one of a kind and our results from over a week of use.
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1. Epson T034640 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
2. Epson T034740 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
3. Epson S053003 (Toner Original)
Pris: 399 kr. (91%)
4. 50 Cent - Bulletproof (Limited Edition) (Playstation 2)
Pris: 69 kr. (85%)
5. Fight Night - Round 3 (Playstation 2)
Pris: 28 kr. (85%)

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5. Near Dark
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1. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 3
2. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 2
3. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 1
4. Computex Taipei 2007 - Dag 5: Highlights & Wildcards
5. Computex Taipei 2007 - Dag 3 og 4

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Ugens Prisfald

1. Epson T034640 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
2. Epson S053003 (Toner Original)
Pris: 399 kr. (91%)
3. Football Manager 2007 (PSP)
Pris: 49 kr. (86%)
4. 50 Cent - Bulletproof (Limited Edition) (Playstation 2)
Pris: 69 kr. (85%)
5. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006 (GameCube)
Pris: 15 kr. (84%)

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