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1. Fitbit Flex Armbånd
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3. inFamous (PS3)
4. The Godfather 2 (PS3)
5. Guitar Hero: Metallica (PS3)

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Anmeldelser INT

1. Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 5500 Revolution Review
2. Dell XPS M1730 Gaming Laptop Review
3. Logitech Harmony One Universal Remote Review
4. Gateway P-171XL Gaming Laptop Review
5. Skulltrail: A Preview of Intel's Beast

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 Forsiden Anmeldelser INT Side 5

NVIDIA's ForceWare Multimedia - An In-House Production 11/7-2004 

After months of waiting, we have NVIDIA's ForceWare Multimedia in our labs. With plenty of days of testing behind it, here are our results...
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Notes from the Lab 28/6-2004 

In the golden age of PC gaming lived a company known as 3dfx. Although 3dfx eventually spiraled into the earth because of bad business decisions, they once had the sweet spot in 3D hardware for PC gaming: the Voodoo 2. Back then, 3D hardware was all about rendering and texture mapping. Transform and lighting, cube mapping, and programmable shaders were only the barest gleam in the eye of a few architects.
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X-bit's FC-Test 1.0 or "System Rebooted" 3/6-2004 

Two yeas ago our test laboratory acquired a new benchmarking tool called FC Test, which proved highly efficient and illustrative during numerous HDD tests. Today we are going to tell you more about the new latest version of this test package of ours.
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SnapStream's Beyond TV 3 - The Must-Have Home Multimedia Software 12/5-2004 

We have taken a look at ATI's EazyShare in MMC 8.8 and NVIDIA's Forceware Multimedia is still in absentia. What are we to do until then? SnapStream works in a pinch and comes up with a must-have software title for the home theater buff.
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Two Alternatives to i865PE: ASUS P4S800D on SiS655FX and Soltek SL-PT880Pro-FGR on VIA PT880 28/3-2004 

We tested two mass mainboards (ASUS P4S800D and Soltek SL-PT880Pro-FGR) based on chipsets from VIA and SiS, which represent low-cost alternatives to the popular i865PE. Let’s find out how successful these dual-channel products from VIA and SiS are and decide if non-Intel based mainboards are really worth our attention today.
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Open source method of measuring rendering performance in 3ds max 5.1 SP1 8/3-2004 

First of all, to prove that the test suite is not that artificial, I must say that it has a certain plot.
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VIA VT6212: New USB 2.0 Controller 3/3-2004 

We are going to introduce to you a new USB 2.0 controller from VIA – VT6212. This solution is intended to replace the predecessor, VY6202, and promises to be really exciting and efficient. Find out if it is the today’s best USB 2.0 solution in the market from our review!
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External SerialATA Interface: First Facts about the Unannounced Standard 1/3-2004 

Today we are going to talk about the external SerialATA standard, its peculiarities and differences from the internal SerialATA, as well as the problems the developers may face and the solutions they offer.
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Dagens Prisfald

1. Epson T034640 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
2. Epson T034740 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
3. Epson S053003 (Toner Original)
Pris: 399 kr. (91%)
4. 50 Cent - Bulletproof (Limited Edition) (Playstation 2)
Pris: 69 kr. (85%)
5. Fight Night - Round 3 (Playstation 2)
Pris: 28 kr. (85%)

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Nyeste produkter

1. Western Digital Elements Black 1.5TB
2. My Name Is Bruce
(Region 2)
3. My Sisters Keeper
(Region 2)
4. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation - Fars Fede Juleferie
(Region 2)
5. Near Dark
(Region 2)

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Nye Artikler

1. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 3
2. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 2
3. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 1
4. Computex Taipei 2007 - Dag 5: Highlights & Wildcards
5. Computex Taipei 2007 - Dag 3 og 4

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Ugens Prisfald

1. Epson T034640 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
2. Epson S053003 (Toner Original)
Pris: 399 kr. (91%)
3. Football Manager 2007 (PSP)
Pris: 49 kr. (86%)
4. 50 Cent - Bulletproof (Limited Edition) (Playstation 2)
Pris: 69 kr. (85%)
5. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006 (GameCube)
Pris: 15 kr. (84%)

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