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1. Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 5500 Revolution Review
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4. Gateway P-171XL Gaming Laptop Review
5. Skulltrail: A Preview of Intel's Beast

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 Forsiden Anmeldelser INT Side 4

Nero PhotoShow Deluxe 4 20/5-2006 

Ever since the first daguerreotype was shot way back in the first half of the 19th century, photographs have been entrusted with the safekeeping of family memories. Back then your family photo album might have consisted of a handful of stiffly-posed portraits framed in silver and given pride of place on the mantelpiece.
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Roxio Easy Media Creator Suite 8 12/5-2006 

It’s strange to think that after years of selling PCs and upgrades that computers and computer components still don’t always come with all the bits of software necessary to take full advantage of their features.
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Making Bootable Movies with eMoviX 5/5-2006 

If you are like me and do all your video recording in Linux, you may wonder how you can share the TV shows, personal videos, and other multimedia content with friends and family who don't use Linux. How can you get the video from your hard disk to the people you care about in a way that you know they can play it?
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A Switcher's Guide to Windows / OS X 25/4-2006 

It seems like every other blog, forum, or tech enthusiast site is talking about Apple's new Boot Camp beta, which makes it extremely easy to dual-boot to Windows XP on Intel-based Macs. There are tons of opinion pieces about what this means for the industry, what it means for Apple or Microsoft, how it's going to impact game developers—you name it. It seems as though more and more users are making the switch—the most vocal are the Windows users buying Macs for the first time (or the first time in years) now that they can easily run all their Windows apps. Less vocal, but definitely out there, are the Mac users making a Windows partition to gain access to that handful of programs their Windows-using buddies are always talking about.
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Changing Knoppix To Fit Your Needs 20/4-2006 

Knoppix comes bundled with a bucket of tools, and although 1.7GB of uncompressed space goes a long way, you might hit the problem of having to use software that Knoppix doesn't include by default. Additionally, you may make changes in configurations that you want to keep when you reboot, or store data between Knoppix sessions. Thankfully, there are a few different ways to solve this problem, some being easier to use and more successful than others. This article shows you how to use and modify Knoppix to save your data and install new software.
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JustWrite Office 4.2 6/3-2006 

Do you remember the paperless office? Someone somewhere in the world of IT came up with this fabulous idea a few years ago that the advent of electronic documents, email and collaborative technologies would eliminate the need for pen and paper altogether, saving businesses bundles of cash and the countryside from a whole lot of landfill.
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Why Windows Vista Won't Suck 28/2-2006 

There's a lot of confusion about Windows Vista these days. Many online discussion forums have a great number of users who express no desire to upgrade to Vista. Sure, we've all seen the screenshots and maybe a video or two of Vista in action, but for many it only seems like new tricks for an old dog. Yeah, it's got some fancy 3D effects in the interface, but OS X has been doing that for years now, and it's still Windows underneath, right? The sentiment seems to be that Vista is another Windows ME—an avoidable upgrade that isn't really going to breathe new life into your computer.
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Fixing Linux with Knoppix 17/2-2006 

Knoppix is a variant of Linux, so it's no surprise that Knoppix can be used to fix problems that crop up in other Linux distros. Machines running Linux are going to face problems: humans make Linux, after all, and humans also use Linux, so errors, mistakes, and bugs are bound to crop up.
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Dagens Prisfald

1. Epson T034640 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
2. Epson T034740 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
3. Epson S053003 (Toner Original)
Pris: 399 kr. (91%)
4. 50 Cent - Bulletproof (Limited Edition) (Playstation 2)
Pris: 69 kr. (85%)
5. Fight Night - Round 3 (Playstation 2)
Pris: 28 kr. (85%)

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Nyeste produkter

1. Western Digital Elements Black 1.5TB
2. My Name Is Bruce
(Region 2)
3. My Sisters Keeper
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4. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation - Fars Fede Juleferie
(Region 2)
5. Near Dark
(Region 2)

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Nye Artikler

1. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 3
2. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 2
3. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 1
4. Computex Taipei 2007 - Dag 5: Highlights & Wildcards
5. Computex Taipei 2007 - Dag 3 og 4

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Ugens Prisfald

1. Epson T034640 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
2. Epson S053003 (Toner Original)
Pris: 399 kr. (91%)
3. Football Manager 2007 (PSP)
Pris: 49 kr. (86%)
4. 50 Cent - Bulletproof (Limited Edition) (Playstation 2)
Pris: 69 kr. (85%)
5. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006 (GameCube)
Pris: 15 kr. (84%)

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